Friday, December 26, 2008

KRP seeking test models!

I am currently seeking test models to help me with generating promotional material for Kait Rankins Photography. If you live in the Wilbraham area and are interested, please e-mail me ( We'll set up a session for an hour or so in any location you choose, and we'll play around! I'm looking for people of all ages, couples, groups of 3-4 for fun, low-key portraits in well-lit areas. I am not seeking test models for headshots or solo portraits of girls; I have enough samples on the website.

If I use you as a test model, you'll get a free CD of all photos taken and some of the images may appear on the website on the front page or in sample galleries. If desired, prints can be made available and ordered via the website at Printroom charges.

Welcome to KRP!

Any information that does not fit on the new Printroom storefront for Kait Rankins Photography will go on this blog, including a complete list of prices and services, updates, et cetera.